Gaeilge in Junior Infants

Cuir éadaí ar an líne. Our topic in Irish at the moment is Éadaí. We took it in turns to tell our partners what to put on their washing line.  

More Lego Fun!

Today we finished our final lego creation! It was a shark! This is a picture of us with the 6 things that we built. We think that the jet was the best to make because it was the easiest!!!


4th Class studied ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’ by C.S.Lewis over the last number of weeks. They really enjoyed entering the magical universe and did a lot of lovely activities to go with it. Here are some pictures of the work they did.    

Science in Junior Infants

During science we talked about how the air is all around us and how we can sometimes feel it and hear it moving. We read The Wind Blew a story about the wind blowing lots of different items into the air. We tried to move different items by blowing down straws to move the air. Some of the items moved easily others were much
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Wearing Glasses

During our Aistear topic, the Opticians, we made our own glasses.

Junior Infants at the Opticians

We enjoyed our recent Aistear topic – the opticians. During role play we made appointments, tested our eyes using charts, tried on and selected glasses and paid for them. We also watched a video about going to the opticians, looked at how our eyes react to light, made glasses and discussed looking after our eyes.

Champions League of Novels in 6th Class

This week Mr. Quinn announced that we would be voting for our favourite novel we have read this year in sixth class. We have read four books this year. The first book we read was Wonder by RJ Palacio. The theme of this book bullying. The main character was Auggie and he was a special boy who was overcoming the struggles of middle school.
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Snow in Ransboro!

4th Class had a lot of fun in the snow yesterday! Take a look at the pictures.

Grandparents Day

Fifth Class wishing a very Happy Grandparents Day to their Grandparents with this comical parody!

Saint Brigid’s Day Crosses

Today is Saint Brigid’s Day. Brigid used the crosses to represent the love of God. She used the rushes from the floor when she was sitting with a dying pagan chieftain and began to weave them in to a cross. The chieftain was curious and asked her what she was doing. Brigid replied and told him the story of God. He became a Christian
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