Student Council
The Student Council in Ransboro National School was established in 2021. The aim of the council is to provide students with greater involvement in the decision making procedures of the school, to use their pupil voice and learn about the democratic process.
Two children from each class are elected by secret ballot and retain their positions on the council for two years.
The Student Council meets several times each term. Meetings are facilitated by the Principal with council representatives collecting ideas and suggestions for the agenda from each class ahead of each meeting. Suggestions are then discussed, prioritised and are brought to the in school management team and to staff meetings. We intend to work closely with the principal, BOM, the Parents Association and whole school community to make positive changes at Ransboro National School. Working on the School Council allows us to promote pupil voice, develop leadership skills and confidence. We will organise fun events, as well as develop systems for increasing pupil voice in all aspects of school life.
We have introduced a no homework on the first Wednesday of each month, 'welcoming' visitors to the school at Open days and Grandparents day, discussed with classes what they would like in the playground activity bags, talked to classes about a design for an outdoor classroom.
The student council continues to play an important role in school life and makes a vital contribution to improving our school environment and the quality of school life for all pupils and staff.