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Sixth class computer work

IMG_2565[1]Sixth class have been busy using the new school laptops since we returned from the Christmas holidays. We have been using the laptops for a range of different activities across the curriculum.

On Friday February 4th, we started a four week computer programming course using the ‘Scratch’ software. Keith McManus from Sligo IT will be showing us how to use the software to create our very own computer game by writing computer code.

We have been familiarising ourselves with Microsoft PowerPoint. We have used PowerPoint to display projects in digital form. These projects are  based on a significant figure from European history as part of our overall EU Blue Star project submission. Some of the figures studied include Albert Einstein, Leonardo Da Vinci, Alfred Nobel and Zlatan Ibrahimovic! Our PowerPoint displays include pictures, sound effects and animation as well as informative text on our chosen subject. We also used the laptops to research our chosen subject prior to writing up our projects.

In History, we have been studying World War 2. We have also been reading the ‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’ as our English novel. To complement  this work, we wrote historical fiction narratives set during the war. We used the laptops to type and edit our narratives. We then printed out the stories and made them into a booklet.

Finally, we used the ‘Know your Europe’ programme to study the geographical features of some EU countries as part of our Blue Star project.

Overall the new laptops are proving to be a fantastic educational resource in our classroom.


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