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Tag Archives: jolly phonics

Jolly Phonics Songs

It is hard to believe that the children have been in ‘big school’ for over a month already. They have settled into the school routine very quickly and are learning so much!!  We have already learned the first two groups of the Jolly Phonics Programme and have begun the 3rd. Here are some of the songs from the Jolly Phonics programme so that you
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Jolly Phonics Video

This video contains the rhymes for learning the sounds in the Jolly Phonics scheme.

Senior Infants Working on Laptops

        We did Jolly Phonics on the laptops today. We played games on Jolly Phonics. We have lots of exciting things on Jolly Phonics.         We had lots of fun on Jolly Phonics. We like the laptops! We love Jolly Phonics!          Here are some pictures of us hard at work. Everybody likes the laptops. We were very good!