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Tag Archives: artefacts

Mini Museum

After our assembly on artefatcs used in the home all the classes in the school came to look at the artefacts.  They asked us lots of questions about them.


During history we have been looking at various artefacts used in homes in the past. We looked at the artefacts in small groups and had a list of questions to answer. They were based on the appearance, texture and use of the artefact. Many of us brought in artefacts from home and it has been very interesting finding out about them.     We also
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Looking at Artefacts in Second Class

Artefacts During history we looked at a variety of artefacts. We worked together in groups and tried to work out what the artefacts were used for. We also discussed their appearance – colour, shape, texture and pattern. Look at the photographs can you see a carpet beater, a spurtle (used to stir porridge), a sock darner, irons, a rope maker, and a butter mould.