Parent's Association

Welcome the Ransboro National School Parents’ Association, otherwise known as “7th Class The Grown Ups”, information page.
As defined within the Education Act 1998:
• A Parent Association is the structure through which the parents in a school can work together for the best possible education for their children.
• The Parent Association works with the Principal, staff and the Board of Management to build effective partnership between home and school.
Our Parents Association (PA) was relaunched in March 2015 and is co-ordinated by a Committee of 18 members – however all Parents with children at the school are members of the Parents Association.
“7th Class – The Grown Ups” is affiliated with the National Parents Council, the representative organisation for parents of children attending primary school, and which provides guidelines and training for PA members.
A new Facebook Group was launched in 2015, Ransboro N.S. 7th Class, in order to update all parents on PA activities, share school information, celebrate achievements and offer advice. If you are not already a member you can submit a membership request to this Facebook group and your request will be processed.
The PA Committee are currently preparing a Constitution which outlines the structure and role of the association and will be made available for your review below. The PA Committee meet on a monthly basis to discuss upcoming scheduled events.
The PA Committee will also be generating regular Newsletters, updating all Parents with pertinent information throughout the year – copies of which can be found below.
Throughout the school year the Parents Association body will have the opportunity to partake in projects which directly benefit the school – project updates will also be included on this page.